BEEF PHO | on demand
Pho is the most famous dish from Vietnam. A delicate beef broth perfumed with warm spices and garnished with fresh herbs and noodles makes this dish so comforting. Pho is usually enjoyed in the morning for breakfast or lunch. But if you are like me and most New Orleanians, it is the perfect hangover cure with actual medicinal benefits.
In this class, I will show you how to make a traditional Pho broth that will simmer into the night for you to eat the next day. We will also make a slow cooked brisket as I will walk you through all of the components of the dish so you will have everything ready for the net day to enjoy.
- Beef pho with three types of beef toppings
Technique Takeaways:
- Flavor building
- Braising
- Searing
- Bowl assembly and presentation
***NOTE*** The class video recording links are split up into two parts, the first being the broth and meat prep the night before and the second the process the following day after the broth as simmered overnight.
LENGTH | 2 hours & 1 hour
COST | $40 - per download
LEVEL | Beginner
Please note that all sales are final.